Wednesday, February 17, 2010

OHIO NEWS: Broadview Heights Approves Deer Hunt

After months of debate and discussion among council and residents, a deer hunting decision has finally been made.

The ordinance passed 4-3 Tuesday, with council members Helen Dunlap, Tom Pavlica, Roy
Stewart and George Stelmaschuk voting for the ordinance. Against the ordinance were Robert Boldt, Jennifer Mahnic and Joe Price.

The proposed ordinance was first viewed in a Rules, Ordinances and Franchise Committee meeting back in December, but the issue has been discussed in several forms in years past.

Because of numerous changes over the course of two months that the ordinance was discussed, members of council were able to suggest amendments to sections.

Amendments made include limiting hunting to only one parcel of land of at least 5 acres, with no special circumstances allowed. The declaring an emergency clause was also taken out.

Councilman at-large Joe Price attempted to remove allowing crossbows, but no other council person seconded that motion.

Residents flocked to Tuesday’s meeting to speak before a decision was made, with a few speaking after.

Tish O’Dell, of McCreary Road referenced the petition on, stating there are more than 150 signatures listed of those residents against the ordinance.

The main purpose of the petition is to put the vote to a ballot so that the majority of residents could be heard.

“I think bow hunting is an inhumane way to address this issue,” said Kathy Bianchi of
Thackeray Court. “It’s opening up a terrible can of worms...(pinning) neighbor against neighbor.”

The mayor said in a previous work session that the e-mails he was receiving on the legislation were 60/40 against the ordinance. Both sides were present Tuesday.

“The deer come right up to the windows at night,” said Roger Brain, of McCreary Road. “If you look at the deer population, those deer can reproduce in nine months. If you think you have a problem now, wait four to five years.”

After the decision was made, Council President Helen Dunlap called for a five minute break allowing people to leave if they chose, which nearly cleared the room.

There were residents who chose to stay and compliment council for making a decision.
“I just wanted to thank all of you,” said Steve Kocan of Akins Road. “It maybe didn’t go my way, but I know you gave it some good thought.”

Source: Sun Star Currier

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